EXOVERA’S Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis (CIRA) closely studies China’s military industrial complex – in particular, Chinese investment in U.S. technology and the flow of U.S. capital into China that wittingly or unwittingly advances the objectives of the Peoples Liberation Army.
Commenting in today’s Washington Post article on a $700M capital raise by Goldman Sachs and Sequoia Capital for Chinese A.I. tech startup 4Paradigm, SOSi’s James Mulvenon is quoted as saying, “The PLA is developing its operational battle network — what military officers often call a “command and control” network — in the belief that fully autonomous systems are not only possible but desirable. They believe they can design them to have cognition superior to humans’ and to make decisions faster than the high-tech adversary, the United States.”
To read more, see “Biden administration concerned about U.S. investments in Chinese tech companies with military or surveillance ties” – Washington Post